Community News

Welcome to the Limestone Hills
Maintenance Corporation Web Site

 signovCommunity Notices and Announcements

Limestone Hills Community Fall Family Fun Fest

Saturday, October 26th, 10 am–  North entrance playground
(Raindate: Sunday, October 27th, 10 am)

There will be pumpkin painting, games, food, drinks, prizes, and, of course, candy😊, all are supplied by the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation. Costumes are optional.
Questions? – contact LHMC Recreation Chair Erin Gilpin- 302.234.2498

Home Renovation

Thinking about changing something
on the exterior of your home?

The LHMC Architectural/Design Review Committee safeguards compliance with aesthetic standards established by the Association. In other words, ensure that the HOA guidelines are followed to keep the community looking cohesive, preserve property values, and ensure committee members make consistent decisions in the future.

So, what are some common architectural changes that need approval? Here are some examples:
• Painting the exterior or trim of your home
• Redesigning or installing landscaping
• Constructing a fence
• Adding a secondary structure
• Installing solar panels or satellite antennae
• Changing the style of windows.

If you have any questions or need a review, please contact Kelly Management Services; they will guide you. More information can be found on the Design Guidelines page including the Architectural Change Request Form.

Welcome Celebree School of Pike Creek to the
Limestone Hills Community!

From Cory Skidmore, Owner/Operator of the Celebree School of Pike Creek:

Hello Limestone Hills Community,
Throughout our journey we have continued to focus on creating positive connections with new friends and neighbors, we have also invited feedback and questions to provide the best possible experience to families seeking a higher standard of childcare. Here at Celebree, our programs are designed to educate the whole child, nurturing their social-emotional and academic growth while building a foundation for lifelong success, this starts in infancy through preschool.

We invite you to come and experience the difference Celebree School of Pike Creek has to offer as we foster a solid foundation for kindergarten readiness and lifelong success.

The Celebree School of Pike Creek Team
Stefanie, Andrea, and Cory

The following Neighborhood Discount Trash Program is offered by Evergreen Waste Services to the Limestone Hills Community. This is their statement:

 Evergreen Waste Services would like to thank you for entrusting us to service your community. As a locally owned company, our goal at Evergreen is to provide your community with the best waste collection services. Through this program, we will provide your community with a discounted rate based on the percentage of participation.
Once your community reaches 50% participation, the entire community will receive the discounted rate, including the existing customers. Your community currently needs 128 additional homes to qualify for the neighborhood discount. To promote participation and reach the goal of 50% new customers can sign up at the rate discounted listed below. The existing customers will see the discount reflected on their next generated bill.  We will provide the community with 6 months to achieve. However, we understand this is a large community, if more time is needed, we are happy to provide it. Our goal is to make sure that the community achieves the percentage participation.
Please see the discounted rates listed below.
The rate for NEW customers until 50% participation is reached:
1. $24.50 Monthly ($73.50 Quarterly) – Trash & Recycling
2. $32.50 Monthly ($97.50 Quarterly) – Trash & Recycling & Yard Waste (includes 1 Christmas tree per year &
free yard waste bin).

Services Include:

– Weekly collection of trash and recycling on Monday. Please have cans curbside before 6:00 am, preferably the night before.
– 1 bulk item weekly: any household furniture or 4 additional 13-gallon bags, or 2 additional 30-gallon bags.|
– 96-gallon, 64-gallon, or 35-gallon carts provided for trash and recycling.
– 2 Vacation Holds per year – must be three consecutive weeks (up to 6 months).
– If you refer a non-Evergreen customer – you and the new customer will receive one month free of service. This will be reflected on the next generated bill.

Please contact Evergreen at 302-635-7055 for more details and to take advantage of this discount program for the Limestone Hills Community.



Portable temporary storage units (e.g. “PODS”) or other similar containers for the storage of personal property will be permitted under the following conditions:

  1. The homeowner is responsible for providing prior written notice requesting permission to have storage unit/POD onsite and outline dates of use of the storage unit to the LH Board of Directors via the Association Manager, Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499
  2. The temporary storage unit/pod will be allowed within the community for no longer than 30 DAYS.
  3. Temporary storage units may only be placed in a resident’s driveway.
  4. Only one (1) storage unit/POD per home will be permitted.
  5. The homeowner is responsible for the cost and repair of any damage caused by the placement, storage and/or removal of such a unit to any Limestone Hills common property or to the property of other homeowners.
  6. The length of time needed for the portable storage may be extended under extenuating circumstances but only if approved by the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation.

Please be cautious of any requests to join an

unofficial Limestone Hills web site:

The LHMC Board would like to notify residents that we have been made aware that there are notices being mailed to residents offering residents an opportunity to join a free online network called “….Limestone Hills”.  Please be aware that this social media site, or any other social media site using the name of Limestone Hills is not affiliated in any way to the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation or the website.  LHMC does not sanction any comments or reviews of services published on any independent web site.

A Friendly reminder about Trash Receptacles…. Please be advised that you could possibly be incurring fines for abusing this policy.

Trash receptacles shall be kept in enclosed areas, hidden from view, except on regular collection days, when they may be placed temporarily at the curb.

Although homeowners may get frustrated at times with their HOA community’s rules and regulations, they must understand that they are in place for the greater good.  Restrictions concerning HOA trash cans and recycle receptacles are no different.  They are in place to help protect the community and its homeowners. Cooperation in following the restrictive covenants helps your HOA manager accomplish their goal of having a well-rounded, safe, clean community that maintains its property values.

Here are several reasons:
Aesthetics – No one really likes looking at trash cans up and down a street.  Let’s face it. Trash and recycle cans are not the most attractive things in the world.  They are big, bulky, and usually an unattractive color, like bright green or mud brown.
Identity theft – Your trash can be a target for new-age thieves. Identity theft has been a reality for millions of Americans and the number of reported cases continues to be on the rise.  Thieves have been known to rummage through the trash of homeowners searching for anything they can use to their advantage.  They are typically looking for credit card offers, bank statements, social security information, and anything they can use to gain access to your personal credit.  If a thief cannot spot your trash, they have nothing to rummage through.
Animal control – Keeping your trash bins out can be an invitation for some unwanted guests. Every family loves their family cats and dogs.  However, no one enjoys it when the neighbor’s pets and other wild animals make a mess when rummaging for food in the trash.  Not to mention, that the homeowner will ultimately have to clean up the overturned trash that has blown all over their yard.

From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:

The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal reminds all citizens and visitors of Delaware that fireworks can cause serious injuries or death. Projectiles from exploded fireworks can cause eye injuries, burns, and amputations of fingers. An estimated 11,900 people were treated in the nation’s hospitals in 2015 for injuries related to the use of fireworks. The highest number of injuries (8,000) occurred around the July Fourth holiday.

The Fireworks law under the Delaware Criminal Code was amended to:

  • Certain fireworks as defined in Title 16/Chapter 69 are illegal to possess, sell, or use in the State of Delaware.
  • Sparklers and ground based items may be purchased by someone that is 18+ years old and sold in Delaware only on these dates: June 4th – July 4th, and December 1st – January 1st.
  • Sparklers and ground based items may ONLY be used in Delaware on July 4th, December 31st and January 1st.

Please leave fireworks in the hands of professionals by attending a professional fireworks show in lieu of creating your own show. The public displays are conducted by licensed professionals and the firework sites are inspected and receive approval prior to the events.

Penalties for the misuse of fireworks or possession of illegal fireworks are misdemeanors subject to a fine. Damage or injuries caused by the use of fireworks can result in felony charges.

Be Aware: Several recent car break-ins
We have been informed that there have been several recent car break-ins in the neighborhood.  But you can take precaution.

Make sure your windows are fully up.  Please remember to lock your car doors and remove all items of value from your car, or at least hide them from view.  Be safe and remember to report any suspicious activity to the local police.

If you happen to have your vehicle broken into, there are proper steps to handle that situation.

As soon as you notice it, call the police immediately.  Also, do not touch anything.  It is believed that the best chance of solving these cases is by lifting fingerprints from the surface, so try not to contaminate it.  Another tip, be as detailed as possible when describing any missing items.

International Montessori Schools-Wilmington Campus-Montessori School has asked us to remind residents that although the Montessori School is a part of the Limestone Hills planned community, the lot on which the school and their private playground sit are not part of the Limestone Hills community private open space.   Please be advised that once you enter the school’s driveway with the “No Trespassing” signs at the school entrance you are no longer in an area considered community open space and may be considered trespassing.

Notice – Change of Annual LHMC Assessment Processing

In order to provide a more expedient method to process the LHMC assessment, a new banking service,

Please submit your annual assessment to the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation in prompt manner to the address indicated
Limestone Hills MC
c/o Kelly Mgmt Srvcs Processing Center

PO BOX 98403

Las Vegas, NV 89193-8403

Any questions regarding this change should be directed to Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

Just a friendly neighborly reminder: Exterior Mold is a problem-
it is a good time to remove mold from your home exterior

Exterior mold can be a problem for several reasons.

  1. Outside mold doesn’t always stay outside. For instance, mold on your roof can possibly find its way to your attic.
  2. Outside mold can carry health risks.  Although not as great as with inside mold, if you do spend time outdoors in areas with significant amounts of mold, your health will be at risk. Children are particularly susceptible to mold-related health problems, so mold around play areas is especially hazardous.
  3. Mold can damage your home, whether it grows inside or outside. Some materials are more easily damaged by mold than others. Mold will literally eat away wood over time. Almost all materials will be damaged by mold to some extent over time.
  4. And of course, most folks dislike the way mold looks growing on the exterior of their homes….and probably, your neighbors do as well!

There are many easy-to-use remedies available at local hardware or home improvement stores that can eliminate this problem quickly and with minimal effort.

Kindly note that all signage placed on Limestone Hills common grounds regarding LHMC Community Events should not be removed!!!  Thank you – Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation

Recreation Committee
By Erin Gilpin

Our small Recreation Committee is asking for a few good volunteers. Please let me know if you would be interested in helping  in one, a few or many of the upcoming events in our community. Please remember these events cannot be held without the help of some of our neighbors. A few community events include the Meet and Greet with Santa and friends, an Easter Egg Hunt, Meet the Easter Bunny, block parties, a possible Fourth of July activity, and a Halloween Parade. If you are interested or have any suggestions for an event, please call Erin Gilpin at 234-2498 or email her at . Thank you in advance for your support.

Recreation Committee Note: If there are any teenagers in the neighborhood who need to complete service hours for school or church, please help with an event and we will credit you for your time.
For further information, please contact Erin Gilpin.

Need someone for pet care, lawn care, childcare?

For information about Community Resident Service Ads,
please visit our Links Page.  (ages vary -below 25 yrs old)

Limestone Hills Locations:
Cluster A – (North): Entrance on  Stoney Batter Road
Cluster B – (East):  Entrance on Limestone Rd. at Shops at
Limestone Hills
Cluster C – (North Pointe) – Entrance on Stoney Batter Rd.         (opposite LH North)
Cluster D – (West) – Entrance on Limestone Road – opposite Shops at LH)
Cluster E – (Vincent Lane)  Entrance on Limestone Rd.  just north of Rt. 72

trashCanJust a friendly reminder 🙂

Throughout the Limestone Hills community, there are trash receptacles intended for residents to use (for small trash items) while they are out and about on community walkways.  It has been noted that personal household waste items have been placed in the receptacles.

Please do not use the receptacles for personal household waste or if you notice someone who is doing so kindly contact Association Management –Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

HouseContractors “teaming up” with Limestone Hills?

Please be aware that the Limestone Hills community does not endorse, recommend, guarantee, team up or collaborate with any contractors/suppliers or service providers.  Any representation of such is considered misleading and inappropriate.

Help prevent pollution of local creeks and rivers –
(302) STOPPIT water pollution hotline

New Castle County, the City of Wilmington, and the Delaware Department of Transportation have announced the launch of the (302) STOPPIT (786-7748) water pollution hotline for residents to report pollution going into or coming out of the storm sewer system.

Dirty stormwater runoff from streets and parking lots is one of the leading causes of pollution in local creeks and the Christiana and Delaware Rivers.

The (302) STOPPIT water pollution hotline is for New Castle County residents to report pollution going into or coming out of the storm sewer system. The Double P means “Prevent Pollution.”

The storm drains that line streets and parking lots connect to the storm sewer system and eventually reach local streams and rivers. For this reason, it is illegal for anyone to dispose of motor oil, household chemicals, yard waste, pet waste, or any other materials in storm drains and storm sewers. The county and its partners will investigate all tips from residents and take appropriate action, which may include containment, cleanup, and issuing citations.

When residents see evidence that someone has dumped chemicals or debris into the storm sewer system, here’s what they can do:
-Visit and fill out an online form
-Call or send a text message to (302) STOPPIT (302.786.7748) with the location and details
-Email with the location and details

Coyotes  – in our area!
A Limestone Hills West resident reported sightings of coyotes when walking her dogs. She contacted the Department of Natural Resources and was directed to their website and the following information.
The state’s coyote population is small but confirmed. The following precautions should be followed:
*Do not feed coyotes, and eliminate standing sources of water.
*Elevate bird feeders so that coyotes can’t get to them. They are attracted by bread, table scraps, and even seed.
*Do not discard edible garbage where coyotes can get to it.
*Don’t allow pets to run free.   Keep them safely confined and provide secure nighttime housing for them.

If you see them around your home or property, chase them away by shouting, making loud noises, or by throwing rocks at them.

Street Parking – FYI:
Except for a couple of courts in Limestone Hills East and a few in Limestone Hills North, the streets are owned by the State of Delaware, not Limestone Hills.  Anyone can park anywhere absent a restriction by the State (too close to a corner or blocking access to or from a driveway). In these cases, NCC Police (573-2800) can be called.
Additionally, NCC Code Enforcement can be called if someone is parking on the grass (NCC Code violation 395-5555). Please be aware if a mailbox is blocked by a parked vehicle, the postal  delivery person is not obligated to leave the mail.
Keep in mind the need for emergency vehicles to get through narrow streets.
Please use the overflow parking lots in the area.

Watch your Speed
The Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors would like to remind all owners and tenants to please remember to drive responsibly and courteously while entering, and traveling safely throughout the community.

Please be advised that hunting is NOT PERMITTED in Limestone Hills
To report an enforcement violation of Delaware Hunting regulations, please contact the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife at 302.739.9913 or 1.800.662.8802.

You’ve got Deer?
Interesting read from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environment Control on deer  management titled “An Evaluation of Deer Management Options”
web site:

Soliciting of any Kind is Not Permitted in our Community
No Solicitation Policy Making An Impact
The strategy to implement a zero-tolerance for businesses violating the “No  Solicitation” policy is helping to keep solicitors out of Limestone Hills.

It is advisable to be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS about opening your door to strangers.  Police records indicate that these tactics have been used to set up a possible burglary or home invasion. Rather than trying to ascertain whether or not they are legitimate, just say no thank you. If the person/s persists, they are TRESPASSING and you should immediately lock your door and call the police at 573-2800 or 911.

Please Note: Due to a change in the state laws, those people who have a license from the state (which they must visibly display) are allowed to solicit.  If you ask them to leave and they do not, you may call the police.

Please keep sidewalks clear of overhanging trees
This year has been a very active growing season.  If the trees on your property are overhanging the sidewalk or roadway creating potentially hazardous conditions for pedestrian or vehicle traffic, they should be pruned.  It is the owner’s responsibility to keep them properly trimmed, not that of the association. If you are unsure about boundaries, contact Kelly Management Services for clarification.

Stop Graffiti – Call the NCC Graffiti Tip Line
Graffiti has regularly been scribbled on our brand new play facility on Middleton Drive at Saratoga. This graffiti is unsightly and such distasteful writing is an eyesore and an insult to the community. Anyone caught by the Maintenance Corporation will be prosecuted!  We take pride in maintaining a fun and family-friendly atmosphere for our children to enjoy in our playgrounds, please help us to stop this terrible abuse!  To report graffiti in your area, contact the New Castle County Police (302) 573.2800.

How to stop unwanted Newspaper Deliveries
The newspaper and advertiser casual trash to our community can be reduced greatly if every resident that does not desire its delivery just call the telephone numbers below and cancel or stop that drop.  If you live next to a residence that is unoccupied they will also stop that delivery for security reasons.  If you desire delivery of these, do nothing.

The Hockessin Community News (Dover Post) – 302.346.5444
Jessie is your contact  (A backup # – 302.346.5442 or 302.378.9531)

The News Journal for the “YES” ads – 800.801.3322 (Nat’l Serv. Ctr.)
The News Journal for the “SAVE” ads – 302.324.2745. Contact is Kathy

All your neighbors appreciate you doing this to keep our community looking good-  Thank You
(Keep this notice available for future reference.  Several calls may be needed)

A nice place to live.