Board Meeting Notes

The LHMC  Board has requested that recent Board Meeting Highlights not be posted publicly but if Limestone Hills property owners wish to request a copy of the LHMC Board Minutes you may contact the LH Community Assoc. Manager: Lisa Taylor-Kelly, Kelly Management Services at 302.565.4499 or by email:

Please Note: The following Meeting Notes are unofficial and may not yet have been approved by the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation Board of Directors.

Past Meeting Highlights:

                     June 11, 2024                    June 13,  2023                               July 13, 2021

Highlights of the Board Meeting held June 11, 2024

Limestone Hills Annual Board Meeting: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by Lisa Kelly.
Board Members and Directors in attendance included: Sam Battiato, Bruce Bennett, Vita
Biddle, Dave DePoulter, Lisa Kelly, Dan Kowalski, Michele Lonsdale, George Manolakos
Stanley Sczcerba.
35 community members were in attendance.
Welcome and Introduction:
Lisa Kelly welcomed and introduced the board members and directors.
Election Results:
Michele Lonsdale – President (East) Dave DePoulter – Director (NP)
Bruce Bennett – Vice President (West) George Manolakos – Director (North)
Sam Battiato – Treasurer (East) Dan Kowalski – Director (West)
Vita Biddle – Secretary (NP) Stanley Szczerba – Director (North)
Managers’ Report and Budget:
Lisa reported the financials as listed in the Annual Meeting Managers’ Report.
Total Assets: 791,031.04
Lisa presented completed and pending projects as listed in the above-mentioned report.
State Representative Michael Smith:
Discussed cell phone tower construction that should be completed this year
Plans are being made for two additional towers
Millcreek Road will be re-paved before winter
Pike Creek Shopping Center re-vamp; potential gas station, cameras in parking lot
Discussed the acquisition (through GHADA) of state money for tree project
Discussed drag racing on the Limestone Road
Questions and Answers:
Questions related to the 77 delinquent accounts
Concerns about trees – 618 Pepperbush and 18 Naudain
Request – dog bag station in East. Resident at 18 Naudain volunteered to refill bags
Request for stop sign at Middleton and Longspur
Request for No Parking sign on Steeplechase
Concern about school bus stop at Saratoga and Middleton
Other various traffic concerns
Adjournment: Lisa moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02

Highlights of the Board Meeting held June 13, 2023

Directors Present: Board Members and Directors Sam Battiato, Bruce Bennett, Vita Biddle, Dave DePoulter, Lisa Kelly, Dan Kowalski, Michele Lonsdale, Stanley Sczcerba.
Directors Absent: George Manolakos

32 community members were in attendance.
Welcome, and Introduction:
Lisa Kelly welcomed and introduced the board members and directors.

Comments by State Representative Michael Smith: Bond Bill – money for projects. Mike Smith applied for $150,000 in Community
Investment Fund to be used for maintenance, etc. in Limestone Hills.
WSFS will be Chase Bank. Edge Fitness will open soon in the old K-Mart. Fire victims in Chestnut Valley will need help. Community support of Hockessin Fireworks.  Cell phone tower (Verizon) being erected near Brackenville.
Mike reported on state budget information.

LHMC Election Results:
Michele Lonsdale – President
Bruce Bennett – Vice President
Sam Battiato – Treasurer
Vita Biddle – Secretary
Dave DePoulter – Director
George Manolakos – Director
Dan Kowalski – Director
Stanley Szczerba – Director

Finance Report:
Lisa reported the financials as listed in the Annual Meeting Managers’ Report.
Lisa presented completed and pending projects as listed in the above-mentioned report. Jack Hilaman presented the balance sheet and the budget for the upcoming year.
No questions were raised regarding the budget.

New Business:
Community member concerns included: a business sign on a front lawn, repaving roads in NorthPointe, street parking (particularly in NorthPointe), not receiving community rules and regulations upon purchasing homes.
Regarding Limestone East – comments were made about Berkshire Condo Maintenance.  The remarks will be re-directed by Michele and Lisa to Berkshire.
Suggestion to have pickleball courts with a changing area and snack bar.
Basketball courts are being mistreated by non-residents.

Adjournment: Lisa moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:08

Additional Board Notes: The LHMC Board are meeting on 8/8 to discuss possibly adding pickleball lines to the courts in North.
The signs on Middleton and NorthPointe are being refurbished. “

Highlights of the Board Meeting held July 13, 2021

Directors Present: Bruce Bennett, Dave DePoulter, Vita Biddle, Jack Hilaman, Michele Lonsdale, Dan Kowalski.

Directors Absent: Sharon Earce

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by Michele Lonsdale.

Previous Minutes: None

Finance Report:
The financial statements for the fiscal year-to-date were reviewed; the results are on target with the budget.  The status of delinquent accounts was reviewed; these accounts are being actively collected and are in various stages of the collection process. Currently, there are 70 delinquent accounts.

Old Business:
The new playground installation on Middleton Dr. and New Granville Rd. is delayed until around Labor Day. A snow removal reimbursement has been received. New front entrances are complete and homeowners are satisfied with their appearance. The wall on Middleton Dr. is complete and looks good. Waiting on a proposal to correct deficiencies found during stormwater inspections.
There have been 69 resales this year. Average sales are between $170K – $550K.

New Business:
A motion was made to add George Manolakos to the Board. Board responsibilities were reviewed and are as follows: Receive complaints, pass along to property management if necessary, and attend quarterly Board Meetings.

Street paving of the private roads was discussed. Delaware Valley paving was awarded the contract to pave a private court.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:36.

 Highlights of Board Meeting held April 16, 2019

Directors Present:  Bruce Bennett, Dave DePoulter, Kathy Guglielmo, Jack Hilaman, Michele Lonsdale.

Directors Absent:  Sharon Earce

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm.             

Previous Minutes:  Minutes for the January 22, 2019 meeting were approved electronically.

Finance Report: The financial statements for the fiscal year-to-date thru March 31, 2019 were reviewed; the results are on target with budget.  The Budget for 2019-2020 was reviewed and approved.  Assessment Dues will remain at $275 per member for the 2019-2020 fiscal year.  The status of delinquent accounts were reviewed; these accounts are being actively collected and are in various stages of the collection process.  A significant amount of delinquent accounts have been collected since the last board meeting.

Old Business: The Independence School has been reserved for the Annual Meeting.  The meeting room has been moved from the auditorium to the multi-purpose room.  The annual maintenance on all tennis and basketball courts was completed on March 27th & 28th.  A sinkhole behind 114 Bunting Drive was filled in.  The walking path behind the Shops of Limestone Hills was cleaned up.  Two vehicles were towed in Limestone Hills North.  There were (13) ARC’s reviewed and approved; (2) ARC’s were denied.

New Business:  The Board appointed Dave DePoulter to the Board for North Pointe.  The Board confirmed who is up for election in 2019; the ballots for the annual election will be sent out soon to all homeowners.  The Annual LHMC Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 11th at 7pm at the Independence School.  The Board approved the annual Limestone Hills Yard Sale to be held on Saturday, May 4th with a rain date on Sunday, May 5th.  The Board approved funds to replace a number of signs in the community along with painting the wooden signage.  The Board discussed the need for continued tree maintenance in the community.  The Board approved a couple of new swings to be added to the playground in Limestone Hills West.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.

 Highlights of Board Meeting held October 9, 2018

Directors Present: Paul Arruda, Bruce Bennett, Sharon Earce, Kathy Guglielmo, Jack Hilaman, Michele Lonsdale.

Directors Absent: None

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Jack Hilaman.

Previous Minutes: The minutes for the June 5, 2018 meeting were approved electronically.

Finance Report:  The financial statements for the fiscal year-to-date thru October 9, 2018 were reviewed; the results year-to-date are on target with budget.  The status of all delinquent accounts were reviewed.  These accounts are being actively collected and are in various stages of the collection process.

Individual Board Members’ Reports:   The individual board members discussed issues and requests specific to the neighborhood clusters that they represent.

Old Business:  There were (2) sink holes reported on Yardley and Longspur Drive that were repaired by DelDOT.  There were (2) defective playground sets removed; (1) on Vincent & Yardley & (1) on Attics & New Granville.  There were (3) new bids obtained to replace the playground sets; the Board reviewed and voted on the vendor to use.  There were (4) new dog bag stations installed; (2) on New Granville, (1) in North Pointe and (1) on Middleton Drive.  These dog stations were added to the routine trash service for pick-up.  There were (21) ARC approval letters issued for exterior changes and (68) violation letters sent for various complaints.

New Business:   A discussion took place regarding an easement issue in North Pointe.  The situation was referred to our attorney who determined that the LHMC Board was not responsible or liable for this issue due to it being on private property.  The Board reviewed the property management contract for BC Communities and voted to renew for (2) years.  The Board reviewed the snow removal and landscaping bids for the 2018-2019 season and voted to stay with Forever Green for these services.  A discussion took place regarding various violations within the community.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.

Manager’s Report as of 4/11/23


There are 89 delinquent accounts totaling of $50,918.23 as of 04/10/23. 11 accounts are with the attorney. We have 6 judgments and 5 liens in place.

 Completed Items:

  1. Federal taxes were filed and paid on 3/3/23;
  2. Spring clean-up completed;
  3. Annual tennis court pressuring washing completed;
  4. Both basketball courts were inspected and all structural cracks were sealed;
  5. Awaiting an estimate to repaint Limestone Hills sign on Middleton as it is faded. Replace signed needed for the playground on Yardley Place.
  6. Annual meeting packet draft ready-Awaiting Board approval.

A nice place to live.